
Leaking Roof Repair: Things to Know About Roof Leaks, Quick!


  • Flat Roofing Contractor Westchester County, NY

    Helpful article. These four things to look out for when you have a roof leak are good advice. For serious repairs hire a qualified roofer. Thanks for sharing!

  • CT Roof Contractor

    Regular roof maintenance of your flat roof is a must if you want to identify roof repair issues before they become major issues. As part of maintenance the application of a roof coating like Butyl Liquid Rubber is a must. Butyl Liquid Rubber is ideal to recoat existing roofs and add a significant number of years to the life of a roof. In fact, our customers have described it as essentially getting a new roof for a fraction of the cost, since, for most roof types, this is a single application with significant cost savings compared to multiple coat systems. The cost savings alone have made it the choice for thousands of our customers over the years. Labor costs are also decreased since you only need one coat versus 3-4 with other systems.

  • CT Roof Contractor

    Before replacing your roofing material due to roof repair issues, consult a roofing professional to see if your roof’s life can be extended through the application of a roof coating. Butyl Liquid Rubber is ideal for recoating existing roofs and adding a significant number of years to the life of a roof. In fact, our customers have described it as essentially getting a new roof for a fraction of the cost, since, for most roof types, this is a single application with significant cost savings compared to multiple coat systems. The cost savings alone have made it the choice for thousands of our customers over the years. Labor costs are also decreased since you only need one coat versus 3-4 with other systems.

  • Trent Romney

    Great write-up. Most people don’t know that rain usually falls sideways and we frequently have customers that don’t understand how leaks start. A bent piece of flashing or a cracked vent boot is enough to cause serious issues in the long run.

    • TAH

      Thanks Trent. You should check out our sister company ROOFLINK.

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